Facts Family Portal

Check grades and connect with your school with FACTS Family Portal (formerly ParentsWeb)
FACTS provides the technology and communication so you can connect with your student and school easily and on your schedule. Check grades and stay in the know on everything going on at your school with FACTS Family Portal.
First: Click Parent Log in
Next: Click FACTS Family Portal (ParentsWeb)
Facts login PAge
First time users will need to create a new account.
Please note: You must use the same email address that you provided to the school.
FACTS will send you an email with a link (good for 6 hours) to set up your own username and password. Return to this Login screen each time to access your student’s information
Return to this Login screen each time to access your student’s information.
Fatcs login page 2
District Code: DA-MA
User Name: The one you created or your student’s account (Given to them at school)
Password (case sensitive): The one you created or your student’s account (Given to them at school)
IMPORTANT: Make sure you select Parent OR Student before clicking Login. (Each account is different)
You have five invalid attempts before you are locked out and the school will need to reset your account.